You want higher occupancy, but you can’t figure out how to get more bookings without dropping your price...

 Hear from a past student of the Workshop!

    Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Tap the video)





Live! September 30 - October 4

A 5-day pricing workshop so you can stop relying on Airbnb price suggestions and Smart Pricing and implement a strategy that actually works (and turns your Airbnb into a fully booked money making machine). 

A 5-day pricing workshop so you can stop relying on Airbnb price suggestions and Smart Pricing and implement a strategy that actually works (and turns your Airbnb into a fully booked money making machine).


You Aimlessly Make Changes To Your Price, But You Never Know If You Could Be Earning More

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from earning the most you possibly can from your Airbnb...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem N° 1

You get some bookings but they're always at the last minute. You're frustrated because you can't get a fully booked calendar, no matter what you do. Low occupancy is seriously impacting your bottom line.

Problem N° 2

Your weekends fill up quickly, but your weeknights are wide open. You know its generally slower during the week, but you see that nearby listings have reservations on weeknights. The extra money from a few weeknight bookings would sure come in handy!

Problem N° 3

You're sick of the low pricing suggestions that Airbnb suggests. You're lost when setting your prices and the only place you know to look is on Airbnb.  You know your listing is worth more than the price Airbnb is suggesting... but how much more? 

Start Earning More from Your Airbnb Right NOW for just $67

When you sign up for the Airbnb Pricing Workshop, you'll get...
  • TRAINING 1: Set Your Rates to Attract The Best Guests & Minimize Vacancy($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 2: Rise Above Your Competition ($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 3: Your Pricing Strategy Done!($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 4: Put your Airbnb on Autopilot ($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 5: Make More Money with Promotions! ($497 value)

  • Fill-in-the-blanks Pricing Blueprint ($399 Value)
  • Party Prevention guide ($299 Value)
  • ​Guide to $7 amenities ($199 Value)
  • Smartphone Photography Guide ($399 Value)
  • Access to the pop-up training Facebook Group ($599 Value)
  • ​BONUS: Lifetime Access to the training recordings and resources ($1999 Value)

Snag over $6,300 in value...

...for just $67

Not sure? Scroll down to learn more.

Hi there! I'm Matt! 👋

In case you've never come across me before...I'm a rated top Airbnb host in Canada (identified by Airbnb as in the top 1%). I've earned well over 7-figures on Airbnb hosting as many as 11 properties at once.

It all started in 2015 when I left my job as a corporate marketer. But it wasn't all sunshine and roses. When I first listed on Airbnb, I started with a low rate and then I started gradually increasing it (like Airbnb suggests). I actually thought I was doing incredibly well and then I met up with a friend who lived nearby and was doing Airbnb too. His place was about the same size as mine and he was charging almost double what I was... and my place was nicer! 

I was furious. I felt so defeated.

As soon as I got home, I raised my prices to what he was charging. My inbox dried up and no one wanted to book my place at that rate. Fearful that I wasn't going to make any money that month, I dropped my prices and got some bookings to pay the bills. 

Knowing that my friend was earning more than me, I knew there had to be a better way. So I went to work researching everything I could about earning a higher rate on Airbnb. I experimented with tons of different strategies too. My efforts paid off. In less than a year my Airbnb business was flourishing. I'd never made so much money in my life. EVER.


Because I finally figured out the delicate balance between nightly rates AND occupancy AND the market conditions to create a highly profitable Airbnb hosting business — and I want to share it with you in this 5-day workshop!

Click on this link to view my current Airbnb portfolio!

You're committed to making your Airbnb business thrive, but there are two major stumbling blocks in your way...


You do absolutely everything you can for your guests and you're earning 5-star reviews, but you're still not fully booked.

You do absolutely everything you can for your guests and you're earning 5-star reviews, but you're still not fully booked.




Without higher occupancy, you know that you can't afford to stay in this business for much longer.

Without higher occupancy, you know that you can't afford to stay in this business for much longer.

And no matter how many times you change your prices, you just can't seem to be fully booked and that's a real problem for your growth. You either get nervous and drop your price or leave it high, telling yourself next month will be better. I totally get it. I was there too.

What past participants are saying about the workshop!

Here’s the truth, my fellow host: If you’re going to have a profitable Airbnb business, then you have to balance your price with your market to achiever higher occupancy.

It doesn’t matter how great your place is.

If your price isn't set within the relevant range, you're never going to get booked. While you might get a few nights booked at your desired price, you'll never get a high enough occupancy rate to have the Airbnb business of your dreams.

Highly profitable Airbnb hosts know, that in order to build a massively successful business that is booked up with the right guests at the right price, that they need an actual strategy.

And that strategy includes understanding the balance between your price, your occupancy and your local market. Because at the end of the day, if you're just setting your price based on gut feeling or based on what Airbnb is suggesting you're leaving money on the table (without question).

When you balance your price, occupancy and local market, you're well on your way to earning mind blowing profits so you can expand your business and fully replace your income with Airbnb! 

So let’s do this!

Here’s the truth, my fellow host: If you’re going to have a profitable Airbnb business, then you have to balance your price with your market to achiever higher occupancy.

It doesn’t matter how great your place is.

If your price isn't set within the relevant range, you're never going to get booked. While you might get a few nights booked at your desired price, you'll never get a high enough occupancy rate to have the Airbnb business of your dreams.

Highly profitable Airbnb hosts know, that in order to build a massively successful business that is booked up with the right guests at the right price, that they need an actual strategy.

And that strategy includes understanding the balance between your price, your occupancy rate and your local market. Because at the end of the day, if you're just setting your price based on gut feeling or in reaction to your occupancy rate, you're (without question) leaving money on the table.

Once you have these three ingredients nailed down, you're well on your way to earning great profits so you can expand your business and fully replace your income with Airbnb!

So let’s do this.



September 30 - October 4! @ 12-noon EST

A 5-day pricing workshop so you can stop relying on Airbnb price suggestions and Smart Pricing and implement a strategy that actually works (and turns your Airbnb into a fully booked money making machine). 

Here’s a Sneak Peak Inside the Pricing Workshop:

5 Days of Live Training to Take You From “Gut Feeling Prices” to Making More Money Than You Ever Imagined Was Possible. ($1999 Value)

Each day, I'll be going live in a private zoom call to help you work through perfectly balancing your PRICE, your OCCUPANCY and your local MARKET. I'll be taking you through the exact framework I use to earn over 7 figures on Airbnb. I'll be breaking it all down into actionable steps you can take RIGHT NOW to get higher profits in your Airbnb business. Let me shorten that learning curve for you!

training 1: Set Your Rates to Attract The Best Guests & Minimize Vacancy

Monday, September 30, 2024 @ 12-noon EST (replay available after 7p EST)

One of the biggest mistakes Airbnb hosts make is following Airbnb's pricing suggestions or setting prices based on gut feel, which is setting yourself up to lose money from the start.

On the first day, you're going to learn the pricing methodology that every successful Airbnb host uses to make more money, get the best guests, and make mind-blowing profits.

Training 2: Rise Above Your Competition

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 @ 12-noon EST (replay available after 7p EST)

If you want to outperform and host every possible guest, you'll first need to know what your competition is doing. A casual search from your phone on Airbnb won't cut it. You need to go deeper. On day 2, you'll learn the most important criteria to keep track of and a quick and easy (and repeatable) method to get it all done so that you can fill up your calendar. 

Training 3: Your Pricing Strategy Done!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 12-noon EST (replay available after 7p EST)

Let's pull it all together. You'll leave this training with a complete pricing strategy that you can use over and over again to make more money from your Airbnb. You'll never wonder if you could be earning more from your Airbnb business ever again so that you can confidently start expanding your business, paying down debt or going on that dream vacation.

Training 4: Put your Airbnb on Autopilot

Thursday, October 3, 2024 @ 12-noon EST (replay available after 7p EST)

Put your airbnb business on autopilot, get a booked up calendar and earn top dollar without hosting terrible guests or paying a manager.

TRAINING 5: Make More Money with Promotions!

Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 12-noon EST (replay available after 7p EST)

Put Airbnb promotions to work to fill any gaps in your calendar and get Airbnb to market your listing to more potential guests... for free!

For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:

That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...

After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..

He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Oh wait… did you think I was done? Not even close!

Let’s talk about the 6 FREE bonuses you get!

How to Prevent Parties ($299 Value)

PARTIES - An Airbnb host's worst nightmare. Make working about parties a thing of the past with the practical advice in this guide. Implement some simple to install and easy use party prevention technology in your listings to stop parties before they even start!

Buyer's Guide to the Top Guest Amenities for Less Than $7/Guest ($199 Value)

Great amenities can turn a decent stay into an amazing one. The problem is sourcing amenities at a reasonable price and not spending all day picking them up. This guide has it all from snacks to hotel style toiletries to sewing kits, along with where to buy them.

I've spent years curating this list and its instantly yours after you join the workshop.

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Instagram Worthy Pictures with Your Smartphone ($399 Value)

Airbnb has stated again and again that pictures are a top factor for guests. Never let an amazing guest skip over your listing again because your pictures suck. Skip the fancy cameras and do it all with your smartphone in just a few easy steps.

Access to my Pop-Up Training Facebook Group for Support and Accountability ($599 Value)

Consider this your hub for the workshop. This is where you can post your homework, connect with other hosts, and get feedback from me as you nail down your pricing strategy.

A Fill-In-The-Blanks Price Blueprint So You Know Exactly What to Do ($399 Value)

It's so easy to get nervous and drop your price when your calendar is empty. I'm handing over the exact template I use for each of my listings on Airbnb to set my prices and earn more than $1 million on Airbnb. You'll use this blueprint throughout the workshop to create a powerful profit generating strategy for your business.

Consider this blueprint your path to more money from your Airbnb so that you can add another property and finally ditch your day job.

Members Portal with Replays and Downloads so You Can Re-Watch Any Part of The Training Whenever and Wherever ($1999 Value)

Each of our training sessions will be uploaded to your course portal, so you can revisit them whenever you're making adjustments to your pricing and promotion strategy.

Start Earning More from Your Airbnb Right NOW for just $67

When you sign up for the Airbnb Pricing Workshop, you'll get...
  • TRAINING 1: Set Your Rates to Attract The Best Guests & Minimize Vacancy($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 2: Rise Above Your Competition ($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 3: Your Pricing Strategy Done!($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 4: Put your Airbnb on Autopilot ($497 Value)

  • TRAINING 5: Make More Money with Promotions! ($497 value)

  • Fill-in-the-blanks Pricing Blueprint ($399 Value)
  • Party Prevention guide ($299 Value)
  • ​Guide to $7 amenities ($199 Value)
  • Smartphone Photography Guide ($399 Value)
  • Access to the pop-up training Facebook Group ($599 Value)
  • ​BONUS: Lifetime Access to the training recordings and resources ($1999 Value)

Snag over $6,300 in value...

...for just $67

Put an end to the pricing mystery.

By the end of our time together, you'll have your pricing strategy so dialed-in that you’ll be making so much money that you can finally quit your day job and actually start planning your next property without wondering how you’re going to pay for it.

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself… here’s my 20X guarantee:

My 100% guarantee that you will love this workshop.

If after the end of Day 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 20X the value of your investment ($940 in Airbnb pricing strategy, insights and instructions) I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email me by 8:59am EST on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, for a full refund.

Sound fair?


I deliver results. But don’t take it from me. Here’s what some of my students and clients say:

“The blueprint is worth the price of admission” 

- Danyahel Norris

"This is a great course... man I'm glad I found you!" - John Morris

“Matt is the reason I stuck with it and it’s very profitable in my view” - Sabrina Deleveaux

“ able to uplevel, even though I’m already Super Host” - Heather Reseck

“To understand [the pricing] details not available elsewhere” - Vinh Tran

“I will develop a growth mindset” - Debbie Bied 

“I will develop a growth mindset” - Debbie Bied 

Sitting on a Fence is Painful. Jump off and start earning more from your Airbnb.

Sitting on a Fence is Painful. Jump off and start earning more from your Airbnb.

What if I can’t make it live?

I strongly urge you to attend live each day — because that’s how you’re going to get the most out of this workshop. I'm here to answer your questions as you do the work. I know things come up and you have an Airbnb business to run (and probably a day job too). That’s why every session is recorded and uploaded in the course portal daily (and you’ll have access to them for the life of the course). No FOMO here! But please, do your best to schedule the workshop sessions in your calendar and attend live -- I mean if you don’t prioritize your Airbnb business now, when will you?

What if I need some extra help or support?

I thought this might happen, which is why you're also going to get exclusive access to a private "students only" Facebook community. You'll use it to ask questions and get feedback from me and your fellow attendees. This is a great way to connect with other hosts like you so you can share ideas and work together to get even better results.

Is this workshop right for me?

This workshop is designed for hosts who are already operating on Airbnb, specifically between 1 and 3 listings. If you're not changing your prices based on season or using Airbnb pricing suggestions, then this workshop is for you! You'll finish the workshop with a pricing blueprint that is rooted in fact based analysis so that you can earn the highest possible nightly rates, while still attracting the best guests.

Will this pricing strategy work if I'm doing Arbitage?

100%! You will be able to make more money from the Airbnb units that you arbitrage. In fact, by using this pricing strategy, you'll be in a better position to confidently sell your abilities to future landlords and grow your business even more.

Why can't I just use Airbnb's suggested prices?

When it comes to pricing on Airbnb, the suggestions are just too low. When you follow these suggestions you simply don't make enough and you often end up operating at (or near) break even. The real danger here is that Airbnb's price generator is suggesting prices that will create the highest number of reservations for Airbnb -- and that generally means pricing all listings low. It also relies heavily on historical prices, so if you've been getting lots of confirmed reservations at a low price, it's going to keep suggesting low prices for you. You can (and should) raise your prices, but the question is by how much? You definitely do not want to price yourself right out of the market.

What about Airbnb's "Smart Pricing?" Can't I just use that?

Much like the suggested prices inside Airbnb (see point above) Smart Pricing often suggests prices that are way too low. When you start to increase your base price beyond a certain point inside of Smart Pricing, it stops varying your prices in a way that maximizes your nightly rate. What you're left with is the same nightly price for weeks on end. This is certainly not a money making strategy. It's important to bear in mind that Airbnb's primary goal is to get more reservations in general and the easiest way for them to do that is to lower prices. You need your own, individual pricing strategy that you can use over and over again to make more money from your Airbnb.

What if I already use a pricing automation software? (like Wheel House, Beyond, Price Labs, etc) will I get anything useful from the workshop?

Pricing automation software can be quite useful when the base prices inside them are set accurately. Generally speaking each of these websites will offer you some kind of suggested base price. Unlike the base prices inside Airbnb, these are typically more reasonable. But the challenge is, how do you know if they're too high or too low? Without having your own pricing strategy based on data and analytics you won't be able to get the most from these pricing tools because you won't be able to accurately set your base price. Look at this workshop as generating your pricing foundation that you can then use and leverage inside a pricing automation software. (Note, pricing automation software is NOT required to put into use what you've learned in the workshop).

Will I finish the workshop with a pricing strategy that I can use forever?

After our time together in the workshop you'll have a customized pricing blueprint that will guide every pricing decision you make over the next 6-9 months. This strategy may continue to work for longer, but I always recommend that you update the data that you used to create your blueprint every 6-9 months (which is what I do!). We go deep on this topic inside the workshop. And since you'll have access to the workshop recordings and materials for the life of the course you can come back to it again and again.

Why is it so cheap to join?

You're right...maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, I believe in sharing what I know with my Airbnb host community (I mean why else would I create so many videos on YouTube?! Trust me it's not for the piddly ad revenue). But there are some hard costs involved with putting on the workshop, so I run it pretty close to break even which is why the ticket price is so low. That said, I can't promise that I won't raise the price in the future, so I recommend you take advantage of it while you can!

Can't I just watch your YouTube videos on Pricing?

Don't get me wrong, I love getting views on my YouTube channel. But on the channel, I generally just talk about "what" to do and not "how" to do it. I suppose if you watch all my videos on pricing you could eventually piece most of it together but it would take a while and you still wouldn't have all the "how". Perhaps most important, you'd be missing out on the opportunity to get live feedback on your pricing blueprint and you won't get the detailed lessons or the fill-in-the-blanks price blueprint or any of the bonus guides (prevent parties, smartphone photography & amenities buying guides). Plus you definitely won't have the rigour of a live workshop to keep you focused and on track, so you can start increasing your nighty rate right away!

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide.

Because you've made it this far, I know you're curious. And likely more than just curious. 

You're probably wondering how much more you could be earning from your Airbnb. You might be feeling uncomfortable with charging a higher nightly rate and asking yourself if it would be overcharging? (I get it, I was there too.)

I bet you're sick of low occupancy too!

What I want for you (and our entire host community) is for you to earn a fair nightly rate that will attract guests who will respect your property and pay you what it's worth. 

So if you're fed up with the Airbnb pricing game - ridiculously low pricing suggestions on Airbnb and Airbnb's smart pricing - then join this workshop.

I know you can be earning more for the same amount of work. 

Let's make setting your nightly rate on Airbnb one of your strongest hosting skills! 

Because using willy-nilly-pricing and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to let other hosts secure the best guests at higher rates. And you deserve better than that.

Join me, won't you?

Copyright © 2024 Airbnb Uncovered (Mathieu Caissie). All Rights Reserved.